And there is only one dog running loose around here that I have refused to call animal control on so far, because it's a pit bull and he would have zero chance at the local shelter. Unfortunately that dog also killed a chicken this morning, so I'm afraid that next time I see him I will have to call it in. I cannot have a dog running around killing other animals even though just about every dog would go after a chicken and/or a cat
Lucy has feline leukemia, as have all the cats that I adopted, which means that her immune system is compromised. She weighted only 4 lbs, lost half of her weight in the past 2 days and was dehydrated as well.
I wonder what really happened to her, but I guess I'll never find out for sure. All I know is that she will have to be an inside cat from now on. This is not going to be fun as much as she dislikes dogs.