Then I received an email from Honey's new owners and I smiled for the rest of the day! It does not happen often that I get to find out what happened after an animal leaves my place, so this is a very special treat for me.
And it makes it so much easier to let go. I have permission to post this picture:
Thank you so much for letting me be part of this, Susan, and thank you Jacob for letting me post the picture! A lot of people have followed Honey's story and they are going to love the happy ending.
I also have some sad news...our little coon baby Bumble passed away about an hour ago. I have no idea what happened, but he refused to eat this morning and it went downhill from there. He then seized and was gone. He never even got to open his eyes.
Another bitter-sweet day.
I took 5 kittens to the shelter today for adoption, which leaves me with 2. One that is still too young to be adopted out and another one I hold back for the new owners to come back from vacation on the 10th.
The younger kitten started to have diarrhea...I just hope it's not feline leukemia! Just have to wait and see.
More tomorrow! I have planned to release the 2 ducks tomorrow!