I know that I had to keep Ian and Annie, because they still depend on their bottle, but I thought Sara, the little wild one that I was never able to even touch, would be ready too.
But it turned out this morning that she was not, demanded her formula too, so it was Rocky, Abi and Lena. I also took the 3 opossums along for release, since they were ready too.
Once we arrived at the soft release place and I let the girls out of their crate, I had sworn to myself that if they climb the tree, they can stay. If they however climb my leg, they come back home with me.
And it was Rocky who ended up making it real hard for me. She had lost sight of Abi and Lena, who were climbing up high in the trees, and she got scared and kept wanting up on my arm. I decided to take her back home with me.
But once Abi came back down the tree to check out the food Judy, the property owner, had put out for them, Rocky took off with her exploring and I was all but forgotten! Which was just fine by me. We observed them for a while and when I was satisfied that the girls were in good hands, Mother Nature AND Judy, I left with one laughing and one crying eye!
Of course I took plenty of pictures and put together a movie:
MissDolittle (me) and Rocky
Saying good-bye to Rocky
Abi waves good-bye