Dec 31, 2005

Squirrel History

Squirrel History (Encyclopedia Britannica)

All tree squirrels are diurnal and arboreal, but the range of vertical activity in species differs widely, especially among those living in tropical rainforests. Some, such as the Oriental giant squirrels (genus Ratufa) and the African giant squirrels (genus Protoxerus), rarely descend from the high canopy.

Others, like the pygmy squirrel of Sulawesi (Prosciurillus murinus), travel and forage at intermediate levels between ground and canopy.

Some large tropical squirrels, such as the Sulawesi giant squirrel (Rubrisciurus rubriventer) and the northern Amazon red squirrel (Sciurus igniventris), nest at middle levels but travel and forage low in the understory or on the ground.

The African palm squirrels (genus Epixerus) are long-legged runners that forage only on the ground. Certain species, such as the red-tailed squirrel (S. granatensis) of the American tropics and the African pygmy squirrel, are active from ground to canopy.

In the United States, the Eastern fox squirrel (S. niger) runs along the ground from tree to tree, but others, including the Eastern gray squirrel (S. carolinensis), prefer to travel through the treetops and regularly cross rivers by swimming with the head up and tail flat on the water's surface. Thomas's rope squirrel (Funisciurus anerythrus) of Africa even submerges itself and swims underwater.

Most tree squirrels have strong chisel-like incisors and powerful jaws, which are required for gnawing open the hard nuts that, along with fruits, are a primary component of their diet. They also eat seeds, fungi, insects and other arthropods, the cambium layer of tree bark, nectar, leaves, buds, flowers, and sometimes bird eggs, nestlings, and carrion. Some red squirrels (genus Tamiasciurus) and Sciurus species of temperate climates will stalk, kill, and eat other squirrels, mice, and adult birds and rabbits for food, but such predation in tropical tree squirrels seems rare.

2 orphaned Squirrel Sisters

Nests are constructed among branches in the forest canopy or at lower levels in tree crowns, vine tangles, tree hollows, or undergrowth near the ground. Some species of tropical tree squirrels produce several litters per year; breeding season in the Northern Hemisphere may extend from December to September and may result in one or two litters that average three to seven young, depending upon the species.

In the New World, tree squirrels range from the boreal forests of Canada and Alaska southward through coniferous and deciduous woodlands in the United States to the tropical rainforests of South America. In Africa, tree squirrels are native to rainforests and some woodland savannas.

Their distribution in the remainder of the Old World extends from the northern boreal forests of Europe and Asia to the Indonesian tropical rainforests. East of the Asian continental margin, tree squirrels inhabit the forests of Taiwan, some islands in the Philippines, and Sulawesi, but they do not occur naturally anywhere east of those islands. Most of the species in 20 of the 22 genera are found in tropical rainforests.

Is the Kitty Dehydrated?

Orphaned Kitten Care

Is the Kitty Dehydrated? Orphaned Kitty Care

Hydration is basically how much water we have in our system. Since water drives all of our metabolic functions, you can see why adequate hydration is essential.

The easiest way to check how hydrated your kitten is, is to grasp the skin firmly but gently between the kitten's shoulder blades, and lift it straight up with a twisting motion as you release it. Kitten skin that is well hydrated pops back within a second or less.

Kitten Care

The longer it takes the skin to return to its place, the more fluids your kitten needs. In severely dehydrated kittens, the shelter manager may decide to inject water or electrolyte solution under the kitten's skin, for faster absorption.

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Treatment: A kitten that is noticeably dehydrated should receive prompt veterinary attention. Treatment is directed at replacing fluids and preventing further losses.

In mild cases without vomiting, fluids can be given by mouth. If the kitten won't drink, give an electrolyte solution by bottle or syringe into the cheek pouch.

Balanced electrolyte solutions for treating dehydration in children are available at drugstores. Ringer's lactate with 5 percent Dextrose in water and a solution called Pedialyte are suitable for kittens. They are given at the rate of two to four milliliters per pound body weight per hour, depending on the severity of the dehydration (or as directed by your veterinarian).

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Feed the solution every 2 hours until the skin snaps back accordingly. Then start with a thin milk replacer mixed with the electrolyte solution.

Dec 7, 2005

Weaning your Kitten

Orphaned Kitten Care

Weaning your Kitten Orphaned Kitty Care

The weaning process starts when the kitten is 4 weeks of age.

Start by feeding it formula in a bowl. Do not leave the kittens unattended with the bowl at first! The kittens will run through the bowl and the dried milk on the fur and skin can cause ringworms and other skin and fur problems.

First food from the plate is always a mess!

Then gradually introduce solid food. Moisten dry kitten food with formula or water. Read the labels! The dried Kitten food should contain at least 30% of Crude Protein. Much of what is sold in supermarkets is pure junk food and may not help your kitten thrive. Most canned cat foods will cause diarrhea and foul smelling stool.

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Don't expect the kitten to be weaned overnight. As it eats more often from the bowl, reduce the bottle feedings.

Changes in diet or certain foods can cause diarrhea, so keep an eye on stools. Diarrhea can be life-threatening to a young kitten.

Introducing Solid Foods mixed into the Bottle

Squirrel Diet

Squirrel Diet


The gray squirrels diet consists of nuts, seeds and fruit. It will eat bird eggs, bugs, and even an animal carcass if there is no other food source available.

The gray squirrel requires some salt in its diet, and may find this salt in the soil along roads where snow and ice may have been.

Squirrels chew on tree branches to sharpen and clean their teeth. That's why you may see many small branches on the ground around large trees.

Other foods adult Squirrels enjoy:

  • Sweet potato
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Corn on cob
  • Lettuce
  • Carrots
  • Mushrooms
  • Peas
  • Leafy greens
  • Turnip green
  • Spinach
  • Celery
  • Squash
  • Okra
  • Green beans
  • Cucumber
  • Peas
  • Hazelnuts
  • Grains
  • Pistachio
  • Blackberries
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Peach
  • Apple wedge
  • Banana
  • Pineapple
  • Watermelon
  • Avocado
  • Cantaloupe
  • Raisins
  • Plum
  • Pear
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Acorns
  • Pecans
  • Chestnuts
  • Hickory nuts

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2 orphaned Squirrels
2 orphaned Squirrels
2 orphaned Squirrels
2 orphaned Squirrels
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